Company House Philippines

Philippines company search
Philippines Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Company House Philippines is the only existing database with every company’s data registered - Philippines business registry.

1. Choose the company. 2. Purchase a report. 3. Report is delivered to your email in 1 working days.

Fetch Data Directly From Company’s Registry Situated In The Philippines

Have information about any company you like, from knowing whom you do business with to information about a company before investing your hard- earned money. Reports contain updated data fetched directly from the SEC – Securities and Exchange Commission, Philippines.We offer an easy order process and receive your desired report within 2-3 working days.

What Will You Get In The Report?

A report will contain in-depth information, including GIS – General Information Sheet, a formal overview of the company, and all the necessary information approved directly by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Philippines. Here’s what you will get.

Time of registration, important dates, including fiscal year, etc.
Information on Stockholders and Capital
Capital information, including paid, authorized or subscribed amounts. Shareholders’ information either local or international. The table of contents has complete information on the company's stockholders, shares type, number and exact price of each share, tax number, and address.
Law-abiding Company
Issuance of the company’s shares, internal management of the company, meetings, association of different stockholders, etc. Company’s policies, including fiscal and dividend policies.
Company Status

Get AFS Report With Company House

With Company House, get the latest information about the financial statement audited directly from the SEC. Here’s what Company House offers.

Auditor’s Report
Get an independent report coming directly from our expert with the overview of the audit process.
Financial Statement
Get an in-depth overview of the company’s financial infrastructure, and corporate financial overview, including balance sheets, profit, loss, cash flow statements, and a detailed comparison with the previous fiscal year.
Company Status